Key points: The 10 chiefs warned against using the military to change the election outcome The article came after conversations on how the military might be used in coming days With hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots to be counted, it is difficult to pull additional officials off their assignments to examine a signature. The AP said that Trump was “wrong,” adding: “There is nothing in the consent decree that prevents Georgia election clerks from scrutinizing signatures.” Curiously, however, the AP did not link to the actual consent decree, which is hard to find. Despite Biden’s 45,000-vote lead in Maricopa County in November, it remains a contested region, as Arizona’s Republican Party Chairwoman Kelli Ward filed a lawsuit looking for irregularities among 28,000 ballots that were duplicated as voters’ earlier ballots were damaged or couldn’t be tabulated, as reported by the AP this week. Georgia is undertaking a hand recount of votes in the recent presidential election, which was narrowly won in the state by former Vice President Joe Biden. Wiscon Biden won the Democratic primary on April 7, 2020. Twitter labeled that as “disputed,” and the Associated Press did a fact check. I’ve been breaking news and writing features on these topics for major publications since. Must expose real signatures! Then they have to vote. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 14, 2020. Brian Kemp (R) had made signature verification impossible for absentee ballots in a March consent decree: The Consent Decree signed by the Georgia Secretary of State, with the approval of Governor @BrianKempGA, at the urging of @staceyabrams, makes it impossible to check & match signatures on ballots and envelopes, etc. His newest e-book is The Trumpian Virtues: The Lessons and Legacy of Donald Trump’s Presidency. And with a rejection tarnished as racist “voter suppression,” no official is going to want his or her name listed on the envelope. I'm associate editor for Forbes, covering security, surveillance and privacy. He eventually admitted to sending emails from the City of Ashland’s own IT systems, posing as former councilor James Melin and city resident Zygmund Jablonski Jr. You may opt-out by. He is not yet facing charges and was unreachable for comment at the time of publication. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). The practical effect of that new requirement is to make signature matching impossible. The wide spread of unfounded election fraud claims surrounding the U.S. 2020 election had resulted in undermining of trust in the election, culminating in violence inside the U.S. capitol. And despite fears of foreign interference and voter fraud, the DHS’ Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has stated the 2020 election was the “most secure in American history.”. The US Supreme Court on Friday rejected a long-shot lawsuit filed by … Indeed, in a Sept. 2, 2020, interview on CNN, AG Barr was asked about election security and who was the most assertive or aggressive nation in … They didn’t specify what voter information and declined to comment any further on the nature of the attack. No charges were filed as it was deemed that the City of Ashland had dealt with the matter, though an Ashland Current report indicated Kerwin had resigned in June of that year. Then, all of the officials must write their names on the rejected envelope before starting the “cure” process. More than 50 federal and state court rulings have upheld Joe Biden's election victory. Georgia’s embattled Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, claimed that the signature matching process was “strengthened” this year. Arizona and Maricopa County are at the center of an attempt by the Republican Party to challenge the results of the presidential election. Kemp in April 2019, which relaxes ballot signature requirements. All Rights Reserved, This is a BETA experience. AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin ... that the unconstitutional irregularities involved in the 2020 presidential election cast doubt upon its outcome and the integrity of … Most significantly, in November, a lawsuit seeking to block Pennsylvania from certifying its election results was dismissed, while a recount that cost Trump’s legal team $5 million in Wisconsin only extended Biden’s lead. The voter has to do so with an affidavit, and with proper ID, before a deadline, to ensure the ballot will count. On Saturday, Trump tweeted that Georgia Gov. The systems used to count votes in Maricopa County were not affected. It's been targeted in a cyberattack, one being investigated by the FBI. The investigation is the only known probe by the FBI into a cyberattack on an electoral body responsible for handling the 2020 election. The ballot can only be rejected if a majority agrees that there is a mismatch. They are afraid of “calling” the election for Trump, only Democrats claimed that Kemp benefited from racial “voter suppression.” So Kemp acceded to some of their demands in the new law. It is somewhat easier to find the underlying state law, signed by Gov. © 2021 Forbes Media LLC. He also set up a sister company, Desert Oasis Tactical, which lists four specialties: weapon, warrior, defense and research. Maircopa County was a battleground in the Presidential race, which President-elect Joe Biden ended up winning. Aims to standardize exchange of customer data across systems and silos by defining a web-based API using GraphQL. The resident of the property, a 56-year-old IT expert named Elliot Kerwin, was served the warrant. They left with eight hard drives, three computers and a bag of USB sticks. According to a police report obtained by Forbes, on April 1, 2011, when he was the IT administrator for the City of Ashland, Wisconsin, he was questioned by police regarding spoof emails, sent out just ahead of a local election. The Maricopa County Recorder’s office, which is just 30 minutes’ drive south from Kerwin’s home, did not confirm whether or not the investigation was the same as that referred to in the search warrant. Or you can email me at, or Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. The data trove could be significant; there were more than 2.5 million registered voters in the county for the 2020 election. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak. There is no indication that anything other than voters’ information, which can be acquired for a few hundred dollars in Arizona counties, was taken from the affected office. Since leaving local government, Kerwin has been running his own IT companies, one named Loon-a-Tech, where he promised “assistance with viruses, malware and security software.” According to his online CV, that Mercer, Wisconsin, business was closed in mid-2019, when he set up Desert Oasis Technology in Fountain Hills, Arizona, just northeast of metropolitan Phoenix. The Justice Department in Arizona told Forbes it couldn’t comment. So far, the Trump Administration’s attempts to overturn election counts have not gone in the president’s favor. I like to hear from hackers who are breaking things for either fun or profit and researchers who've uncovered nasty things on the web. Curiously, however, the AP did not link to the actual consent decree, which is hard to find. President Donald Trump and his team have objected, because checking signatures is a key safeguard against fraud. Twitter labeled that as “disputed,” and the Associated Press did a fact check. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. I’ve been breaking news and writing features on these topics for major publications since 2010. As NPR noted, the law “blocks county election officials from rejecting absentee ballots because of mismatched signatures.” An absentee voter with a mismatched signature is mailed a provisional ballot and given the opportunity to “cure” the mismatch. Trump supporters gather outside the Capitol, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington. At the Kerwin residence, they were looking for any evidence within the seized computers that showed they’d been used to access the IT network at the office, as well as “protected voters’ information” and any indication that it had been disseminated to other people. The warrant, discovered by Forbes this week, reveals investigators have been looking into a computer intrusion at an unnamed “victim office,” which occurred from October 21 to November 4. The full scope of the investigation and the breach of Maricopa County’s website remains under seal. Wisconsin favored Democratic presidential candidates in the four elections between 2000 and 2012, then voted for Republican Donald Trump in 2016. The agents were looking for evidence of a cyberattack on an unnamed organization and stolen voter data. But there is no evidence to suggest that any theft of voter registration data could’ve had an impact on the election in Arizona. “Additional security controls were put in place to mitigate against this activity occurring in the future. On the morning of November 5, as the 2020 election hung in the balance, Arizona federal agents raided a two-story house in Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, a county that had become a key battleground in the presidential race. VERDICT: MOSTLY FALSE. Trump is closer to the truth than the AP. Georgia’s consent decree made checking signatures so difficult as to be practically impossible. Initially, Kerwin denied any knowledge of who sent the emails, assisting police in looking through local government servers to determine the author of the emails. CORONAVIRUS vaccine rollout starts in less than 24 hours, marking the beginning of the end of the pandemic. The consent decree describes a new procedure for reviewing signatures. The March 2020 consent decree is posted on the website of the Perkins Coie law firm. It’s not the first time Kerwin has been investigated by police. Investigators were looking for evidence of voter registration data theft and intrusion into an unnamed victim office. While the long and arduous process … An FBI spokesperson said they could neither confirm nor deny any investigation. Amongst his services at his tech company are “cyber forensics” and “surveillance.”, I'm associate editor for Forbes, covering security, surveillance and privacy. costing as little as $328 for 1 million or more records, 2020 election was the “most secure in American history.”, “Arizona county that could decide the future of Trump.”, lawsuit seeking to block Pennsylvania from certifying its election results was dismissed, recount that cost Trump’s legal team $5 million in Wisconsin only extended Biden’s lead. The GraphQL api is a self-documented and strongly typed interface. As National Public Radio noted, Kemp was under pressure to fix some of the problems Democrats blamed for his victory in the 2018 gubernatorial race (which Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams never properly conceded). I was named BT Security Journalist of the year in 2012 and 2013 for a range of exclusive articles, and in 2014 was handed Best News Story for a feature on US government harassment of security professionals. A screenshot of the search warrant showing that the federal government is investigating a computer crime. Attorney Marc Elias, the Democratic lawyer who hired Fusion GPS to produce the phony “Russia dossier” in the 2016 election, triggering the entire “Russia collusion” hoax, is listed as the lead attorney for the plaintiffs, who include several Democratic political organizations. Trump, who ran unopposed, won the Republican primary. The AP said that Trump was “wrong,” adding: “There is nothing in the consent decree that prevents Georgia election clerks from scrutinizing signatures.”. An officer told him that if it was a joke, “It would’ve been best to tell us then rather than allow us to prepare subpoenas and drag the matter out,” according to the police report. According to the police report, Kerwin said he sent the emails as an April Fools’ joke and as satire. I use WhatsApp and Treema too. Stephen Morton/Georgia Port Authority via AP. But the recount is not checking signatures on absentee ballots, the Trump campaign says. Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Attempts to contact Kerwin, the Phoenix resident, over mobile, his Signal encrypted messenger account and his Gmail were unsuccessful. When there is a mismatch, an election official must consult with two other officials. So while “nothing in the consent decree” explicitly prevents a signature check, the process is so onerous — and, for the officials, personally risky — that there is almost no chance it will happen widely. Content Technologies e-Business Tip me on Signal at 447837496820. CLAIM: President Donald Trump is “wrong” that Georgia made checking signatures on absentee ballots “impossible.”. “Analysis by the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office IT Security indicates an unauthorized individual gathered publicly accessible voter information from our website,” a spokesperson said. It is designed to be dynamically extended, and allows extensive implementation specific customization. The Maricopa County Recorder’s Office has reported this to proper authorities and law enforcement personnel, and there is an ongoing investigation by the FBI at this time. At the time, Jablonski said he was concerned the faked emails were trying to “put some type of spin on the election.”. Of the 15 county recorder’s offices contacted by Forbes about the investigation, only one, Maricopa County, confirmed voter data had been stolen, noting that a federal investigation was under way. That is because officials received extra training — in rules that make checking ballot signatures almost impossible. 2020 ElectionMediaPoliticsabsentee ballotsAssociated Pressballot signaturesFact CheckGeorgiavote by mail. As a freelancer, I worked for The Guardian, Vice Motherboard, Wired and, amongst many others. The county was deemed crucial to the presidential race, dubbed the “Arizona county that could decide the future of Trump.” Maricopa County and the state of Arizona ended up being taken by the Democrats, helping President-elect Joe Biden on his way to the White House. It’s possible to simply buy voter data from Maricopa County, costing as little as $328 for 1 million or more records. They knew they were going to cheat. The emails, handed to Forbes by the now-defunct local publication the Ashland Current, made little sense and were written in all caps, but referenced the election. Former Vice President Joe Biden (D) won the presidential election in Wisconsin on November 3, 2020. The Associated Press (AP) and the networks have not yet declared Trump winner. Maricopa County, a key battleground in the 2020 election, confirms the FBI is investigating a breach of voter data, as investigators raid the home of an IT specialist. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. Although 20,000 is a sizable lead, they have learned in recent years that numbers can shift before final, official certification of election results. The FBI informed our office today they served a warrant,” the spokesperson added. Associate editor at Forbes, covering cybercrime, privacy, security and surveillance.
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