For an overwhelming majority of the time since the evolution of Homo sapiens, Tainter contends, we organized ourselves in small and relatively egalitarian kinship-based communities. All of the conditions he predicted when he made the bet either currently exist, or will within the next few weeks. (The mineral division of Gulf Oil Corporation was mining the mountain for its uranium deposits.) What happened on a national level happened locally as well, with police budgets eclipsing funding for social services in city after city. Australia’s fate was predicted by scientists many years ago. BREAKING: Did Google Just Get Into Bed with Fox News? Crypto-kriminalitet falder, men Bitcoin-ransomware steg i 2020! Their mere existence suggested sudden and catastrophic social breakdowns. Ostrich omelettes & peculiar pastries - Taste of Russia Ep. Performers fear loss of another entire season following the announcement of Glastonbury cancellation. Globe story on non-invasive prenatal testing offers murky argument. Less Than 60 Hours Left to Support Indigenous Land Defenders! BBC Global Dimming Documentary About Geoengineering & Global Warming, Born Into This – Charles Bukowski Documentary, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. (...really?). English patriotism and the left – a political conundrum, The new Reclaim Party and the ‘culture wars’ – the incoherence of our two party system and the failure of liberalism, "Feudalism Lives on in the Delta" -- Ray Sprigle, America's obsession with rooting out communism is making a comeback, I Shakuhachi – December 25, 2020: Love’s Impurities, I Shakuhachi – December 23, 2020: Slow Reach, Rush Limbaugh Escapes The Hell-World He Created, If You Love This Planet – Helen Caldicott, Steven Starr, Bruce Gagnon and William Hartung at the Dynamics of Possible Nuclear Extinction symposium, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Ted Postol, Max Tegmark and Alan Robock at The Dynamics of Possible Nuclear Extinction symposium. What he didn't predict in his little book was the catalyst for the collapse, the Coronavirus. Without it, fall campus life is in danger, Op-Ed: Think of Biden's immigration plan as a statute of limitations on crossing the border illegally, Letters to the Editor: Youth prisons are closing. Tumblr. This also means, he writes, that collapse, “if and when it comes again, will this time be global.” Our fates are interlinked. Republicans Have A School Shooting Conspiracy Theory, White People Claiming To Be Attacked At Black Panther, Your Boss Might Be Stealing From You But There's Nothing You Can Do About It, Conservatives Attacking School Shooting Survivors Online. Tenet, New book – ‘Our Final Warning: Six Degrees of Climate Emergency’, ‘The single most important goal of the candidates’ climate plan’ –, The planet is being consumed by humans –, UK and Trump miles apart on climate change –, Neoliberals Used to Refer to Themselves as New Democrats. Cartoon: Freedom of speech is absolute, but... ‘Our Indifference To Ourselves’ – Beyond The ‘Virtue’ Of Self-Sacrifice – Part 2, ‘Our Indifference To Ourselves’ – Beyond The ‘Virtue’ Of Self-Sacrifice – Part 1, Fox guest on possible troop withdrawal from Afghanistan: "The solution is more blood, sweat, and tears", Fox host defends Trump: "Just because you use harsh language doesn't mean your intent is to denigrate another race", Fox News is talking more about abortion than the Democratic debates did, Media Roots Radio: Music Industry Protects Predators, Marilyn Manson’s Reckoning, Empire Files: What Everyone Missed About Biden’s Double-Speak on Ending Yemen War, Empire Files: Afghanistan Mercenary Shocker + US Says Nuclear War “Very Real Possibility”, Joint New Zealand - German 3D survey reveals massive seabed gas hydrate and methane system, Noctilucent clouds: further confirmation of large methane releases, The rentier resurgence and takeover: Finance Capitalism vs. Industrial Capitalism. A few days earlier, the official tally of Covid-19 infections in the United States had climbed above one million, unemployment claims had topped 30 million and the United Nations had warned that the planet was facing “multiple famines of biblical proportions.” George Floyd was still alive, and the protests spurred by his killing had not yet swept the nation, but a different kind of protest, led by white men armed with heavy weaponry, had taken over the Michigan State Legislature building. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. Scholarly caution may prevent Tainter from playing the oracle, but when he was writing “The Collapse of Complex Societies,” he recalls, “it was very clear that what I was realizing about historical trends wasn’t just about the past.” The book’s Reagan-era roots are more than subtext. The finance industry is starting to see that climate change is an existential crisis, yet offer no alternative to their ideological stalemate of infinite growth on a finite planet. Thriving in such unforgiving terrain, Tainter argues, depended on an intricate web of “reciprocal economic relations” that took advantage of the landscape’s diversity. As always, solving one problem created new ones. Federal Minimum Wage Campaign. When Mr. Sale published the book, it looked as though he may have lost the bet he made in 1992 that we would be in collapse in March 2020. We struggle to do things differently, and we push on. Collapse “really is a matter of when,” he told me, “and I’m concerned that this may be the time.”, In “The Collapse of Complex Societies,” Tainter makes a point that echoes the concern that Patricia McAnany raised. There is only Trump. In the field’s early years, archaeologists tended to focus on the biggest and most wondrous structures they could find, the remains of monumental architecture abandoned for centuries in deserts and jungles. If pipes are frozen, should you leave the faucet on? Then some little push arrives, and the society begins to fracture. “The United States is basically eating itself from the inside out,” he says. To some degree or another, we are all in denial of what is unfolding in our final century as we go about our daily lives within a set of living arrangements completely incompatible to the survival of our descendants. Passed the Point of Peak Water? It was an overview of the “cultural resources” present in the area around a dormant volcano called Mount Taylor, a site sacred to the Navajo and several other tribes. Scholars tended to limit themselves to understanding single cases — the Akkadians, say, or the Lowland Classic Maya. Dr. Caldicott’s October 2014 speech: The Ukraine Crisis, Is Nuclear Conflict Likely? The first is that human societies develop complexity, i.e. In fact, current assessments show extinction rates are accelerating: I am loath to repeat these numbers because no price can be placed on intact ecosystems, but the economic costs of this year’s fire season in Australia are estimated to be approaching $100 billion, the costliest natural disaster in that country’s history. His contract was not renewed. A rain forest? I am making such material available on a non-profit basis for educational, research and discussion purposes in my efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. The “Amazonification” of Higher Education Has Arrived. NOAA: Monthly State of the Climate Report, Post-Brexit Scrapping of Erasmus Student Exchange Harms Economy and Undermines UK Relations with Europe, Sedition caucus mimics Trump’s worst sin: Demolition of content—legal, moral, democratic or electoral, UK’s 5-day Hiatus from Christmas Lockdown May Pave the Way for Ill-Fated New Year for Britain's Poorest, Green New Deal, Part VIII: New Zealand’s Zero-Covid-19 Strategy Shows how Politics Can Serve the Common Good. A farewell post: Three reasons why good science writing is worth defending. 4 & Operation Cyclone, MOC #47 – How To Make The Internet Free Again (w/ Ron Placone), How Gov’t Hides The Real Unemployment Rate (Redacted Tonight), The #1 Thing To Save The Planet (Redacted Tonight). He wasn’t surprised that I had called to ask him if our compounding crises signaled the start of a major societal rupture, but he also wasn’t in a rush to answer. The Texas blackouts are another example. When those are left out, collapse, observes Sarah Parcak, who teaches at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, can easily mean erasure, a convenient way of hiding the violence of conquest. . He won the bet by any measure. Why were they left to rot? Biden Continuing Assange Prosecution, Launched By Trump DOJ, Five Things We Need to Know About the “Fiscal Cliff”, Wasteful Pentagon Spending and Costly Wars Hurting Minnesota Communities, Biden Should End Espionage Act Prosecutions of Whistleblowers and Journalists, Climate misinformation: Will Happer on CO2 being plant food, Climate misinformation: David Legates & Willie Soon on CO2 lag, Climate misinformation: Marco Rubio on past climate change, Climate misinformation: Rick Perry compares climate denial to Galileo, The Billionaires Have Programmed Too Many of Us Into Opposing Teams, When the Dust Clears…the Rich Have Been Redistributing $2.5 trillion Every Year for the Last Twenty-Five Years. Mar 18, 2020 Article history. Why won't planting trees stop global warming? With Earth Overshoot Day arriving ever earlier each year, we have arrived at the last stage of global civilization’s doubling time. “It grows by small steps, each of which seems reasonable at the time.” And then the world starts to fall apart, and you wonder how you got there. Author: The Age of Limits gathering is on hiatus, Censorship: How the West is becoming more and more like the old Soviet Union, Donald Trump: The Sacrifice of the Sacred King, The Ghost Shirt Rituals: Preparing for the End of the World, SLAMDANCE 'End of the Line: The Women of Standing Rock', ARIZONA: Border Wall Contractors Continue to Defy Biden Order to Halt Construction Feb. 10, 2021, APACHE STRONGHOLD: JUDGE REFUSES INJUNCTION TO STOP SACRED OAK FLAT LAND GIVE AWAY AND DESTRUCTION, Thousands Urge Biden to Commit U.S. to Doing Fair Share on Climate, California Senate Bill Aims to End Fracking, Neighborhood Drilling, Colorado Governor, Wildlife Officials Urged to Adopt Clearer, Quicker Wolf Restoration Plan, Politicians Have Lied about Social Security. The first, dominated by Tainter, looks for grand narratives and one-size-fits-all explanations. Try decades (or longer), Brazil’s Angra 3 nuclear reactor: a political undertaking, not a common good, Inside the rise of Cathie Wood, the rockstar stock-picker whose ETFs are dominating 2021, The startup behind MrBeast Burger explains the business of influencer 'ghost kitchens', A New York City waitress was fired for refusing a COVID-19 vaccine over fertility concerns, Goldman Sachs org chart: Take a look at the Wall Street bank's top 125 executives, 10 things you need to know before the opening bell, Biden will pay the WHO $200 million as he reverses Trump's attempts to withdraw from the organization, Bitcoin hits new high of above $52,600 before paring gains - as the currency's market value nears $1 trillion, Australia's PM slams Facebook's 'arrogant' move to 'unfriend' the nation, after government pages were inadvertently silenced as part of a purge of news content, Google kicked Donald Trump's official campaign app from the Play Store because it no longer worked, but the iOS version is still live, US life expectancy fell by a year during the COVID-19 pandemic, in the most dramatic drop since World War II, Automation and SJWs: A Conversation with James Howard Kunstler, It's official. Australia’s annual fire season is only at its midpoint, yet the massive pulse of carbon from these bushfires is now estimated at 900 million tons —double the country’s annual emissions. Why the Democrats Tied Themselves in Knots During Donald Trump’s Impeachment Trial. The crisis in Texas underscores the deadly risks when the grid goes down. March 14, 2020 | Editor's Сhoice. Ahmed, N. 2020. Year 2020: Last Chance to Avoid Rebound into Carbon Chaos. When I asked him if he saw the recent protests in these terms, Tainter pointed again to the Romans, caught in the trap of devoting a larger and larger share of their empire’s resources to defense even as it ceaselessly expanded, chasing ever-more-distant enemies, until one day, they showed up at the city gates. Earth 2100 – Full Documentary / Movie Full HD, Earth Under Water – Worldwide Flooding | Sea Level Rise (SLR), Facing the Anthropocene: fossil capitalism and the crisis of the earth system, Garbage Warrior [Full Length Documentary], Geo Scarcity – Geo Destinies in the Coming Age. If we have destroyed the biosphere and set in motion a mass extinction event at a time when we strongly need to rely on nature, then our prospects for survival are very grim indeed! To quote an Australian on Reddit: This is what disturbs me about my countrymen. The Navajo, nearby, survived the genocidal wars of the 19th century, the uranium boom of the 20th and the epidemic of cancer it left in its wake, and are now facing Covid-19, which hit the Navajo Nation harder than it did New York. 2/10/21 Who Are the Ultimate War Profiteers? Socialismo y liberación de las mujeres, Women Bearing the Brunt of Reaction Lead the Resistance, ‘Down to Earth’ by Bruno Latour: a diversionary political fiction lands in capitulation, Philadelphia postpones public school reopenings to March 1, Facebook blocks all news content in Australia, Bitcoin over $50,000 as Wall Street surges, Adopting “anti-separatist” law, Macron moves to censor French universities, Australian government overturns university research grants as part of anti-China campaign, São Paulo’s municipal teachers strike grows despite union sabotage, An Illicit Trade in Brazil Is Sending Tiny Songbirds to Their Deaths, Submarine Permafrost Has Been Overlooked as a Major Source of Greenhouse Gases, Scientists Warn, Shell Plans to Expand Natural Gas Business Despite Climate Pledge, How Paving with Plastic Could Make a Dent in the Global Waste Problem, As Plastic Pollution in Rivers Gets Worse, Species Are Increasingly Living on Litter, What Less-Populous States Get Right With COVID Vaccine Distribution, Enunciating Power: Amanda Gorman and My Battle With Claiming My Voice, Pipelines Make Uncomfortable Neighbors in Appalachia, Addressing Anti-Asian Attacks With Transformative Justice, The Pandemic: Indigenous Perspectives on Survival, Adaptation, Rebuilding, and Preparedness, Pathways for the Post-COVID New Old World, The Falcon Cannot Hear the Falconer: Nature vs. Culture in a Pandemic. Griffin, activist and author, How to Avoid Population Overshoot and Collapse, Human domination of the biosphere: Rapid discharge of the earth-space battery foretells the future of humankind, Humans will not 'migrate' to other planets, Nobel winner says: The 77-year-old said he felt the need to "kill all the statements that say 'OK, we will go to a liveable planet if one day life is not possible on earth'. …Yes. “We’re too vested and tied to places.” Without the possibility of dispersal, or of real structural change to more equitably distribute resources, “at some point the whole thing blows. “Very severe events, while not terribly likely, are quite possible,” he says. 17, Beauty and the Bleach.Skin-whitening trend ravages Senegalese women (Trailer) Premiere 02/19, Of Ice and Fame. As modern civilization’s shelf life expires, more scholars have turned their attention to the decline and fall of civilizations past. 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collapse of civilization 2020 2021