11/26/18 - Added skill recommendations. Thank you! To avoid problems, I highly recommend changing your save slot in the pause menu at least once per level. For now, continue climbing up and to the left. Run back and forth to build momentum, then jump to the climbing wall on the left. Blast the enemy or the orb, or use the Dodge Kill maneuver. Throw them onto enemies to eliminate them & distract others surrounding them. Climb to the left then jump and latch onto the climbable wall. ANCIENT GATE WITH WATER WHEELS AND SPIGOTS: There's a salvage crate and a few other resources on the bottom of the pool, as well as a few items behind wooden barriers that you can't reach yet. Guess that's where we're headed. Maskeno. When you land, veer right to avoid the Yaaxil converging from the left. Continue up a short flight of steps to an area with a circular, carved stone floor. Jump past the gap and latch onto the next section of climbable overhang. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy. Shotgun shells can be gathered around this room. Shoot red drums in the area while enemies are near it to cause explosions & eliminate them. (screenshots). Last Emperor 16. (screenshot) As you follow the path, Lara comments on the unusual decorations, which she says are neither Maya nor Inca. There's also a survival cache (1/8), a relic (1/5), Crucified Figure (Mam/Homecoming), and a vein of jade ore near where you first splash down. A checkpoint registers here. (screenshots), Take a breath then swim down to the left (south) to find a relic (2/5), Knight's Morion (Gates of Hell). You can hide in the grass, like you did back in Kuwaq Yaku, or just avoid them entirely by swimming along the bottom on the left side of the cave. An effigy is right next to the Cenote Temple Runis Base Camp; From where the ambush happened, go up the ledge and move forward. The 3rd camp appears after you leave this area and allows you to fast travel back to the waterwheel cavern in case you missed anything. Pull up, loot a resource container sitting beside the path, and continue forward into the cavern. Now enter the crumbling structure to find an explorer backpack (1/1) (screenshot), which reveals the location of several other survival caches on your in-game map. Climb down as far as you can. The next closest camp to the Challenge Tomb is the Cenote Temple Ruins Base Camp, where you found the SHOTGUN. The third game in the Survivor trilogy, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, is available in both regular and Definitive Edition for Windows PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.For details about the game, check out the overview section below. *Offensive, insulting or inappropriate use of forum may lead to ban/restriction. For details, visit tombraiders.net/stella/support.html. Cut the tripwire to trigger it. (screenshot) Skip the next paragraph. first two. Remember, if you're behind cover and have a bad angle, press Left Shift on the keyboard or click the left stick (L3) to shoulder swap. All trademarks, character and/or image used in this article are the copyrighted property of their respective owners.▶Shadow of the Tomb Raider Official Website. Now there's one more ledge There's also another jade deposit embedded beneath a rocky ledge just north of the large, squarish rock that protrudes above the surface on the southeast side of the pool. If you take too long, other melee enemies will attack you & you can get overpowered by their combined amount of damage. of the spigots. I even blew up all the pots just to see if one was hiding. (screenshots), Once you've dealt with these three, the fight is over, and Lara says, "Time to move." Run out onto the wooden ledge and jump toward the cave opening below. Jump across the gap toward the carved wall, scramble up to grab a handhold, then jump up and latch onto the climbable wall above. From there, you can drop down once more into the room where you shot the first Yaaxil and pulled down the effigy. (screenshot) Surface in the next room, gather more plants, climb the ledges, and then follow the path down to the edge of the cliff. If you'd like to explore the optional tomb, head to the right (east). When the wheel is lined up correctly, Lara says, "There we go," and you get a few XP. Soon the passage widens into a small room. (screenshot), If you like, you can return to the other side of the chasm to break down that shotgun barrier you saw earlier to get the jade ore behind it. The Uruk-hai looking dude rushes out screaming and tackles Lara. Hunter's Moon 4. (screenshots), TRAPPED TUNNEL AND CAVERN BEYOND: Proceed cautiously. Then scramble up to grab the narrow ledge above. Downpour 17. Run up the wooden ramp and jump across another gap onto another wooden walkway. Challenge Tombs: 1  Challenges: 2  Treasure Chests: none  Crypts: none  Relics: 5  Documents: 6  Murals: 7  Survival Caches: 8  Monoliths: none  Archivist Maps: 1  Explorer Backpacks: 1  Shadow of the Tomb Raider > Cenote | 100% If you like the straight forward guides and like to see more in the future, please show support by WHITELISTING CAMZILLASMOM.COM in your ADBLOCK . Shoot him or use the Puma's Feint/Dodge Kill. I will add a complete COLLECTIBLES GUIDE later. Follow the natural passageway forward, crack open a salvage crate along the way, and continue to a pocket of trapped air. Your feedbacks will be checked by our staffs and will be attended to accordingly. BONE PIT: When you regain control, aim and fire the shotgun to kill the attacker. Dig up a survival cache (8/8) buried beneath the collapsing stone arch. Next Cenote Challenges Prev The Hidden City Chests and survivalist cache. Start by taking a breath then swimming back to the east and downward through the opening in the floor to find some healing plants, a resource canister, and some jade embedded in the wall near the canister. (screenshot) The rest of the effigies are found later in the level. Post Comment. Scramble up onto the ledge ahead. CLIFFS ABOVE THE CENOTE: Go through the doorway near the campfire to find a document (1/6), Journal of T. Serrano 2 (The Missionary) sitting on the ground, along with some hardwood and a resource container. Then scramble under the spears and continue to the edge of a chasm. Loot the resource container ahead on the left and follow the path. Continue climbing to the right. Grab the edge and pull up. There will be 16 enemies in all, but you won't have to fight them at once. As you near the green orb, another Yaaxil emerges from the opening next to it. The treasures are easy to find underwater as they're big and can be easily seen with the Survival Instinct. Detailed walkthrough for Shadow of the Tomb Raider for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC. Sidestep along the narrow ledge until you can't go any farther, then jump to the climbing wall on the far side of the chasm. (Later we will learn these people are called the Yaaxil.) Then rappel down to the wall-running area. * Encrypt Email script- Please keep notice intact. var postemail8809='' Continue eastward and upward to an air pocket. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. You'll find one challenge tomb in it. This time, swim past the opening in the floor and the ledge where you found the salvage earlier. Lara kicks him off of her, scrambles to her feet, and retrieves the shotgun. Again, follow the tutorial text that explains how to Exit an Overhang Climb: jump straight up to grab the ledge above then pull up. Climb up as far as you can. Then climb out of the water and follow the passageway to the south. A Faint Light 2. Climb down as far as you can. There are also a few resources at the bottom of the pool here. The game will then explain how to Overhang Climb: jump up then quickly press Interact to latch onto the climbable ceiling. Path of the Dead 10. Note that the Cenote Tomb Base Camp appears in the cavern with the huge, round door and waterwheels, once you've completed the level, making it much … (screenshots), The next 2 Yaaxil (7-8) are an archer on the upper left platform, who shoots deadly green arrows, and another warrior that emerges from the lower passageway and circles around to flank you from the left. Then move to the top of the stairs on the left. Just turn around and start running, as described in the section above. The last the effigy (5/5) for the Respected Challenge is at the top of the stairs here. If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. Feel free to contact me with special requests. Be sure to loot the corpses and pick up the shotgun and rifle ammo near the pillars if you didn't get it earlier. Otherwise, choose what appeals to you. Squeeze through the narrow opening into the next room. (screenshots), OPENING THE SECOND GATE – EAST SIDE WATER WHEEL: Dive into the pool and swim down to the moving wheel on the left (east) side. *The 2nd camp is found in the Challenge Tomb. Again use the shotgun or dodge kill to deal with the enemy on the ground. In a brief cutscene, Lara scrambles away from a hail of Yaaxil arrows and slides down into a pool. BASE CAMP WITH MASSACRED TRINITY SQUAD: Cut the rope suspending the dead soldier. There's one more major item in this area. All the while the Yaaxil shoot arrows at Lara and explode green orbs along her path. Location: Mission of San Juan. Now tether the lower spigot to the winch and turn the lower spigot to the left, so the water runs down onto the wheel. Loot the corpses and gather arrows and shotgun ammo between the stairs and the winch and more shotgun and rifle ammo near one of the columns. NOTE: For skill recommendations, see below. Then crank the winch to rotate the middle spigot so it faces right. (screenshots). Scorcho. Four more cave dwellers (3-6) appear in the raised opening in the southeast corner. Start by using a rope arrow to tether the left spigot to the winch. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thanks to Richard S. for help with this level. In the location of Cenotes in Shadow of the Tomb Raider a difficult puzzle awaits you. Rough Landing 6. Then return up the stairs to the winch, where there are a few new enemies waiting. Head Above Water 5. Grab what you can. Shadow of the Tomb Raider > Cenote | 100% If you like the straight forward guides and like to see more in the future, please show support by WHITELISTING CAMZILLASMOM.COM in your ADBLOCK . Lara retrieves the OVERHANG CLIMBING GEAR from its unfortunate previous owner. The Hidden City (2nd) - Mission Walkthrough & Challenges, San Cordoba - Cenote Challenge Tomb Walkthrough, Porvenir Oil Fields - Mission Walkthrough & Challenges. You can't reach it from here, so you'll have to wait to get it later from the other side. Before attempting to climb across the cavern, examine a document (5/6), Journal of T. Serrano 7 (Gates of Hell), lying on the ground near the left wall. The wooden floor gives way and Lara and the strange warrior tumble into the room below. Swim forward, then down into the flooded passageway. Where the Twins Confer 8. This page contains all of the Cenote and Head of the Serpent Collectibles in Shadow of the Tomb Raider? One comes from the same direction as the Up to the Challenge. Objective: 5/5 flag pulleys cut. (screenshot), After examining the document, use the handholds to climb the slippery stone wall ahead. (screenshots), Loot the bodies and pick up any ammo you may not have been able to carry before. Cover yourself in mud to make it hard for enemies to spot you & will help you make stealth kills. You're also notified of a nearby challenge tomb. Challenges in Cenote | Secrets in Shadow of the Tomb Raider Shadow of the Tomb Raider Guide and Walkthrough. SUNLIT POOL: There are quite a few useful items scattered around the bottom of the pool but also a school of piranhas. If you have skill points to spend and you haven't already unlocked the Puma's Feint Skill (Warrior), I recommend doing so now. Not an option, you say? Crank the winch to rotate the wheel until the opening lines up with the opening below the surface where you just cleared the debris. (screenshots), Meanwhile, 3 more of the painted warriors (11-13) emerge one at a time from the ground-level tunnels: one from straight ahead, one from the right, another from straight ahead. Thank you! After this, Lara says, "More coming," and you have a moment to regroup. (screenshots). By clicking Submit you are agreeing to the Terms of Use. As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. FLEEING THROUGH THE CAVERN WITH WOODEN WALKWAYS: When you regain control after the cutscene, you receive 250 XP and a new objective. Check out the story mission, challenge guide and tips, tomb location, and collectibles available in Cenote in this walkthrough.
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