Which of the following best describes an ionic compound? Pay attention to the possible rearrangement in the course of the reactions. a) AC + B = AB + C b) A + B + C = ABC c) ABC = A + B + C d) AB + CD = AC + BD. E. It is heated. For the following reaction, write a balanced chemical equation: (blank) Mg + (blank) Fe(NO3)3 arrow (blank). \\ A. Why does the formula for magnesium fluoride have one magnesium ion and two fluoride ions? 2. If 45 grams of water are decomposed to form hydrogen and oxygen gases, how many moles of oxygen are produced? Show your work. Magnesium is listed above zinc in the activity series. (a) tin (IV) sulfate (b) calcium phosphate (c) C u ( C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 (d) hydrobromic acid (e) P 2 O 5. b)The compound would be expected to have a relatively low melting point. Br2(aq) + CaCl2(aq) arrow, Use the activity series to predict the product of the following reaction. A 2.50-L sample of a colorless gas at STP decomposed to give 2.50 L of N2 and 1.25 L of O2 at STP. What is the name of the compound NiSO4 dot 5H2O? Write the correct molecular equation for the following and include the state of matter for the substance in the equation: Silver sulfate solid breaks down to become solid silver and sulfur. According to the following reaction, how much energy is required to decompose 56.0 kg of Fe_3O_4? Knowing that an acid and a compound with carbonate form carbon dioxide and water, reasonable products are CO2 and H2O. Identify all of the phases in your answer. They first tested for the silver and aluminum, but found that another ion was present. a) Based on standard reduction potentials, would you expect copper metal to oxidize under standard conditions in the presence of oxygen and hydrogen ions? For the following reaction, write a balanced chemical equation: (blank) Mg + (blank) Ca(NO3)2 arrow (blank). Predict the products of a single replacement redox reaction using a table of reduction potential or activity series 1. Which of the following would be an example of an inorganic water pollutant? Sodium nitrite 3. After the reaction was complete, the volume … How much energy does it take to decompose 55 mol of water? The chemical formula of stannic oxide is a. Write the name of the following compound: A) Sn(SO3)2 B) (NH4)I. Give a balanced equation describing this reaction. Choose the appropriate number of atoms contained in a formula unit of iron(III) hydroxide. If the metal in the compound is higher in the reactivity series than hydrogen, then hydrogen is produced instead of the metal at the positive electrode. a. Ferride ion b. Ferride (I) ion c. Iron (I) ion d. Iron (II) ion, Identify the type of reaction shown in the following chemical equation. (a) H2CrO4 (aq) (b) H2Cr (aq) (c) HCrO4 (aq) (d) H2CrO4 (aq) (e) none of these. AgNO3 + Zn arrow. \\ A. Mg or Ca B. a) Write the formula for the polyatomic ion in CoCO_3. B. 2) The method replaces only Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions by Na+ ions, leaves acidic ions like HCO3– and CO2–3 as NaHCO3 and Na2CO3. Zn(s) + HCl(aq) arrow, Name the following compounds: (a) CsCl (b) BaO (c) K2S (d) BeCl2 (e) HBr (f) AlF3. Which statement correctly predicts what will happen (or not happen) when these two metals and their cations interact? 28. b) Addition of sulfuric acid to copper(II) oxide produces water as... A piece of solid Pb metal is put into an aqueous solution of Zn(NO3)2. c. salts. c. S n 2 O 4 . Ag + FeCl3 arrow. (a) To the amount of O_2 (b) To the amount of KCl (c)... Write the formula for each compound: a) diphosphorous pentoxide b) chromium (III) nitrate. The compound C r S O 4 is named a) Chromium sulfite. Washing soda is hydrate that is used as water softener. b. Nickel II tetrachloride. Is calcium phosphate organic or inorganic? Determine the chemical formula and the chemical name of the ionic compound formed from the ions F e 2 + and O H . Write the name of the following compound: A) Zn(ClO4)2 B) (NH4)HCO3. Write a balanced net ionic equation for the decomposition of copper(II) hydroxide to copper(II) oxide. (Rh(bpy)2Cl)- c. Os(CO)(CH3)(PPh3)2Cl, What are the names of these compounds? A) KF B) CaO, Write the formula for the following compound. Depending upon the conditions, potassium permanganate may form Mn(s), Mn^(2+) or Mn^(3+). If a nickel strip were placed in a chromium(II) solution, what would you observe? If it does occur, write the products and balance the equation. Browse through all study tools. H_2O_2 (aq) to O_2 (g) + H_2O (l), Name the following ionic compounds formed from variable-charge transition elements: \\ a.\ PbCl_2\\ b.\ FeO\\ c.\ Cr_2O_3\\ d.\ PbO. i) Li and sulfide ii) Mg and sulfate iii) Mg and nitrate. F > Cl > Br > I a. CuI_{2} + Br_{2} b. Cl_{2} + AlF_{3} c. Br_{2} + NaCl d. CuF_{2} + I_{2}. A) Tin (II) Chloride B) Iron (II) Oxide C) Mercury (II) Bromide, Write the formula for the following compound. What metal is used to extract copper from a solution of copper sulfate? Write the balanced equation for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H_2O_2). Why? (c) After 20 minutes some CO2 was injected into the container, initially raising the pressure to 1.5atm. a. a compound made up of a cation and an anion b. a compound made up of only nonmetals c. a compound made up of hydrogen and either a nonmet... What is the name of NH4Cl? An upward pointing arrow (\uparrow) refers to gas formation. For the following reaction, write a balanced chemical equation: (blank) Sn + (blank) Ca(NO3)2 arrow (blank). Which of the following would not be expected to occur? (When the CO2 came out of solution, the freezing point of the water was raised to 0°C, but the temperature of the water was already below 0°C.) Explain naming conventions between sulfate, sulfite, nitrate, and nitrite? Suppose I gave you some K and some O and showed you how to perform a reaction where they form a compound. When potassium chlorite (KClO_3) is heated it decomposes into KCl and O_2. Give formulas for: (a) Calcium chloride (b) Sodium bicarbonate. What are the different branches of inorganic chemistry? Which one of the following single replacement equations will result in "no reaction"? Scholar Assignments are your one stop shop for all your assignment help needs.We include a team of writers who are highly experienced and thoroughly vetted to ensure both their expertise and professional behavior. Complete the decomposition reaction: NaCl(s) arrow. What is the formula for gold (II) cyanide? A) Na3P B) Al2S3, Correctly name each of the following compounds below. After choosing the compound - give it the correct chemical name. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. (a) Aluminum (b) Iron (c) Gold (d) Hydrogen gas (e) None of the above, Which of the following metals will replace calcium in an aqueous solution? What atoms must be present in a molecule for it to be considered organic? Write formulas for the following compounds: A) trisulfur trifluoride B) calcium phosphide C) lithium hydrogen carbonate, Write formulas for the following compounds: A) cobalt (II) chloride B) iron (III) sulfate. Complete and balance the equation for this single-displacement reaction. 2 a) Balanced chemical equation for the thermal decomposition of sodium bicarbonate to give sodium carbonate water and carbon dioxide is : 2NaHCO3 = Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2. Determine the number of moles and the mass of oxygen formed by the decomposition of 1.252 g of silver(I) oxide. Name the following using the nomenclature system. It takes 572 kJ of energy to decompose 2.0 mol of liquid water. Why do some ionic compounds dissociate in water and others do not? Explain. A single replacement reaction takes place because sodium is less reactive than hydroxide ions. What do brackets mean in organic chemistry? C6H12O6(s) to 2C2H5OH(l) + 2CO2(g); DeltaH = -16 kcal. Write a balanced equation predicting potential products (if any) when sodium is carefully added to aqueous potassium bromide. How many mL of chlorine gas are formed if 1.00 g of iron(... Write the (a) molecular equation, (b) the total ionic equation and (c) the net ionic equation for the following aqueous reaction: zinc metal and hydrochloric acid (a strong acid) react. (a) Lead (IV) carbonate (b) P 2 O 5 (c) Iodine pentaflouride (d) A u 2 O 3. 2Li + ZnSO_4 \leftrightharpoons Li_2SO_4 a. Write the formula for the ionic compound formed from the carbonate anion (CO32-) and the cation Cs+. a. Na and Br b. Cd and S c. Ba and Cl d. Al and O e. Rb a,d I. Identify each of the following reactions as synthesis, decomposition, single displacement, or double displacement. a. CaCl_2 + O_2. Select one: a. Nickel tetra chloride. Volume of air in syringe “B” before heating V 1 = 158.0 cm 3. The function of the animal is oxydation; that of the plant, reduction. Give an example of an ionic compound and name the compound. Why is carbon called the backbone of organic chemistry? Describe the difference between complete ionic and net ionic equations. When iron forms an ion with a plus three charge, what is the formula of a compound with iron (Fe3+) and sulfur (S)? CaCO_3 (s) to CaO(s) + CO_2(g). How many organic compounds are known at present? The decomposition reaction X arrow products has rate constant k = 0.000929 mol L-1 s-1. Order the following metals according to increasing chemical activity: cesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium. How do you calculate the heat of decomposition when given an equation and the kJ/mol units of reactants and products? A piece of iron is dropped into a solution of lead (II) nitrate. A new transition metal, paulium, has been discovered, which is represented by the chemical symbol Pl. The first row has been completed for you. d) Chromium (II) sulfate. Determine whether the following complexes obey the 18-electron rule. a) Oil b) DDT c) Road salts d) Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), How do you predict the products of a reaction? 2... Write the structure of the major organic product for the following reactions; if no reaction, write NR. A. FeO iron(II) oxide B. K2SO4 potassium sulfide C. MnO2 manganese(IV) oxide D. LiOH lithium hydroxide E. MgO magnesium oxide. What is the formula for cobalt(II) fluoride? If a 1.75 g sample of lead(II) oxide is decomposed, what volume of oxygen gas will be produced at STP? What is the formula for the ionic compound formed by Mg2+ and Se2-? For the decomposition of PCl5, the Kp can be written as: For this reaction ng = (1+1)-(1) = 1 Iron (II) Sulfate hexahydrate b. c) a single-displacement reaction. A deposit appears on the surface of the lead. What does R stand for in organic chemistry? Which member of each pair of metals is more likely to corrode? Write a balanced equation predicting potential products (if any) when chlorine is bubbled in sodium iodide solution. (a) N_2O_5 \\ (b) CoCl_2\cdot 6H_2O \\. Potassium sulfide Calcium phosphate Sodium chloride Aluminum hydroxide Iron (II) oxide. A downward pointing arrow (\downarrow) refers to formation of precipitate.... Use the following choices to classify each reaction given below (more than one choice may apply). c. F e C l 2 . a. tetra nitrohydrogen chloride b. nitrogen hydrochloride c. nitrogen tetrahydrochloride d. ammonium chloride e. none of the above, What compound forms between the barium ion and nitrate? A strip of lead (Pb) is placed in a solution containing both copper ions and zinc ions. What is the correct formula for copper(II) phosphate? Write balanced equations for the formation of K4(Ni(NCS)6) starting from an anhydrous sample of nickel(II) nitrate (3 equations necessary). 58.2g of zinc are produced when 14.7g of Li are reacted with excess zinc sulfate. a. carbon (II) sulfite b. carbon (II) sulfate c. copper (I) sulfate d. copper (II) sulfite e. none of the above, Write the formula for the following ionic compound: Potassium nitride, What is the name of the salt produced from the reaction of calcium hydroxide and sulfuric acid? Fill in the name and empirical formula of each ionic compound that could be formed from the ions in this table: \\ \begin{matrix} & &\text{Some ionic compounds}\\ \text{Cation} & \text{Anion} & \te... Write the empirical formula for at least four ionic compounds that could be formed from the following ions: NH_4^+, \ Fe^{3+}, \ CrO_4^{2-}, \ C_2H_3O_2^-, Name the following set of compounds and determine its label (s, l, g, or aq): \\ A.\ Cr_2S_3\\ B\ KMnO_4\\ C.\ NO_2\\ D.\ H_3PO_4. (a) The silver will dissolve and zinc metal will form (b) A precipitate of silver nitrate (c) The zinc will diss... For the following reaction, write a balanced chemical equation: (blank) Zn + (blank) MgSO4 arrow (blank). Volume of air in syringe “B” after heating V 2 = 127.2 cm 3. Compared to organic compounds, inorganic compounds do not tend to contain. In an expanded redox activity series, aluminum is located above iron. a) -2 b) +1 c) +2 d) 0. Iron(III) chloride can decompose forming iron(II) chloride and chlorine gas. Lithium phosphate 8. B: Starting from the initial system, the volume of the container is changed to 2 L and the temperature to 395 K. C: Starting from the initial system, a combination reaction occurs at constant volume and temperature. A) CaBr2 B) Sr3N2, Write the compound name for each of the following chemical formulas. 2Cr + 3Sn2+ arrow 2Cr3+ + 3Sn b. Al + Cr3+ arrow Al3+ + Cr. Explain. A gas form... Write the name for Sn(SO_4)_3. d. S n 2 O . The animal lives on organized materials, taking up O and evolving CO2, and other oxydized products. 1. sulfur dioxide 2. manganese (IV) oxide 3. sodium thiocyanate 4. lithium phosphate 5. nickel (II) nitrate 6. ammonium chloride 7. potassium... ll out the following table on the names of ionic compounds. Download Full PDF Package. 14 Full PDFs related to this paper. Balance the equation. \\ 2 AlN \rightarrow 2Al + N_2 \\ A) combination B) decomposition C) single replacement D) double replacement E) combustion, Decomposition Reactions: Complete and balance: \\ 1.\ KOH \rightarrow\\ 2.\ AlCl_3 \rightarrow\\ 3.\ Na_2CO_3 \rightarrow. Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Use a Roman numeral in parentheses to indicate the charge of the metal ion. For the following reaction, write a balanced chemical equation: (blank) Ca + (blank) Zn(NO3)2 arrow (blank). a. Fe(CO)5 b. If it does occur, write the products and balance the equation. So 16.8 g of hydrogen carbonate should yield What will happen if a piece of silver metal is placed in a solution of zinc nitrate? Consider the magnesium ion (Mg^{2+}) and the sulfate anion (SO_4^{2-}). Create an account to browse all assets today, Inorganic Chemistry Questions and Answers, Biological and Biomedical The correct formula of iron (II) chloride is a. F e C l . Calculate [Ag+] in solution which was originally 0.1 M in KCN and 0.03 M in AgNO3. It allows the chemist to determine the amount of product that will form from a given amount of reactants, or the amount of one reactant that is needed to react completely with some specific amount of the other reactant. Cl2 + NaBr arrow (blank). Its formula can be written as Na_2CO_3. Sample questions. A) Na2S B) Be3P2, Write the formula for the following compound. Go ahead and submit it to our experts to be answered. Predict the products for the decomposition of Ca(ClO_3)_2. e. water. Zn (s) + Cu(NO3)2 (aq) arrow Zn(NO3)2 (aq) + Cu (s). Which of the following is an example of a decomposition reaction? What are the rules for naming elements like Ba_2N? Balance the following decomposition reaction by placing an integer between 1 and 9 as the coefficient for each reactant and product in the equation. a) 1,1 b) 1,3 c) 3,1 d) 3,3. The formulas NO_(3)^(-), NO_(2)^(-) are formulas for what poly-atomic ions? \\ Options: \\ A. decomposition B. combination C. double replacement D. single replacement, What is the other product made along with copper(II) oxide from copper(II) hydroxide? A) K(s)+NaCl(aq) = B )Ba(s)+NaCl(aq) = C) Al(s)+ZnCl2(aq) = D) Zn(s)+KCl(aq) =. A 37-gram sample of impure potassium nitrate (KNO3) was heated to complete decomposition according to the equation 2KNO3(s) to 2KNO2(s) + O2(g). Platinum is a transition metal and forms two different ions, Pt2+ and Pt4+. The density of N_2 gas is 1.25g/L and there are 28.3 L in one cubic foot. Gaseous dinitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) decomposes to form nitrogen dioxide gas (NO2). Each of the following is an example of an inorganic compound, except: a. bases. Cu(s) + AgNo3(aq) 2. a) Write the molecular balanced equation for the conversion of copper (II). b. What is the name of Ca_3(PO_4)_2? True or false? Follow-up/extension Have students research how solubility and colligative properties play a role in human physiology, environmental science, plant … \ Ca^{2+} \text{ and }S^{2-} \\ c. \ Li^+ \text{ and } S^{2-}\\ d.\ Rb^+ \text{... What is the chemical formula for lead (II) nitrate? Considering the activity series Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Cu where Ca is the most reactive metal, and Cu is the least reactive metal would the following reaction take place? A) CuO B) SO2, Correctly name each of the following compounds below. specify primary reactants and the procedure number for each step. Comparison between organic and inorganic compounds explain why organic compound is soluble in organic solvent? Zn(s) + cuCl2(aq) 3. NaHCO3 + HCl ——— NaCl + CO2 + H2O. S n O 2 . Indicate the type of reaction. Mg_3N_2. Write the formula of ionic compounds. R b I F e C l 2 N a N O 3 (Note that N O 3 is cal... What subscripts would properly complete the formula unit Al_N_? How many grams of oxygen were obtained? c)The compound is molecular. A .FeCl2 B. PbO2 C. CuBr D. AU2S3, Determine the product for this reaction: Na+ + CO32- arrow, Provide names for each of the following formulas of compounds. Download PDF. Question 1.3 Determine the empirical formula of an oxide of iron which has 69.9% iron and 30.1% dioxygen by mass. A sample of a metal carbonate MCO3 weighing 4.561 g is heated to drive off CO2 gas. What would be the correct name for the following compound, FeSO_4 \cdot 6H_2O? Write formulas for the products and balance the equation if the reaction does take place. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Au(s) + ZnSO4(aq) arrow, Use the activity series to predict the product of the following reaction. True or false? A) Lead (II) Oxide B) Manganese (II) Oxide, Write the compound name for the following chemical formula. What is the word equation and the balanced chemical equations for these reactants? Write and balance the equation. Write a balanced equation for the reaction of Mg with HCI (aq). Complete and balance the following reaction: Sn(s) + HBr(aq) arrow, Complete and balance the following reaction: Al(s) + HCl(aq) arrow, Complete and balance the following reaction: Pb(NO3)2(aq) + Al(s) arrow, Complete and balance the following reaction: Al(s) + Mn3O4(s) arrow, Complete and balance the following reaction: Al(s) + AgNO3(aq) arrow, Express your answer as a complete chemical equation, with reactants and products. b) Chromium sulfate. The standard reduction potential for the reduction of RuO_4^-(aq) to RuO_4^{2-}(aq) is +0.59 V. Which of the following substances can oxidize RuO_4^-(aq) to RuO_4^{2-}(aq) under standard conditions... On the molecular level, why does the solubility of an ionic compound increase when an inert soluble salt is added? Ascarite is asbestos impregnated with sodium hydroxide; it quantitatively absorbs carbon dioxide: 2NaOH1s2 CO2 1g2 ¡ Na2CO3 1s2 H2O1l2 How many grams of oxygen, O_2, would be produced in the complete decomposition of 10.0 g of KClO_3? x H_2O, where x is the number of moles of H_2O per mole of Na_2CO_3. Did any of the solutes recrystallize when the solvent was cooled? Why does the pressure in the flask increase upon the addition of more HCl even after the reaction between NaHCO_3 and HCl has stopped? Complete Solutions Manual GENERAL CHEMISTRY NINTH EDITION Ebbing/Gammon. d. acids. For the reaction of HCl and Zn, predict the products and decide if it occurs. (a) M n S O 4 M n O + S O 3 (b) C H 4 + O 2 C O 2 + 2 H 2 O (c) M g + 2 H C l M g C l 2 + H 2 (d) 4 P + 5 O 2 2 P 2... Write the name or the formula for each of the following compounds. Explain the difference between organic and inorganic chemistry beyond the presence of carbon. Calculate the molecular weight. Get help with your Inorganic chemistry homework. Arrange the following metals in the order in which they displace each other from the solution of their salts: Al, Cu, Fe, Mg, and Zn. B) Calculate molecular weight. C u 2 S C o p p e r ( I ) s u l f i d e F e 2 O 3 C u C l 2 F e S A g 2 O F e B r 2, Which of the following metals will NOT dissolve in a solution containing 1 mol / L H + ? This chemical reaction is a: a. synthesis reaction b. double-replacement reaction c. combustion reaction d. dec... Is the following process exothermic or endothermic? C o 2 + + K S C N ( s a t u r a t e d i n a c e t o n e ), Predict the products of the following reaction. All rights reserved. Can't find the question you're looking for? 19. Balance the following equation and identify its type. Give the chemical equation for this reaction. a) What is the minimum volume of 1.25 M Na2CO3(aq) needed to precipiate all the copper(II) ions in 4.54 L of 0.0875 M CuSO4(aq) solution? The salt made of calcium and bromine is a) CaBr_2\\ b) CaBr\\ c) CaBr_3\\, Give the systematic name of each of the compounds. What best describes this reaction? b. rocks. The plant lives on unorganized materials, CO2, HO, NH,, and salts, organizing them and evolving O. So 168 g of sodium bicarbonate gives 106 of sodium carbonate. b) Write the formula for the polyatomic ion in CuSO_4. A) NiS B) KClO2, Correctly name each of the following compounds below. (a) Order the following metals from most to least reactive: zinc, magnesium, manganese, and copper. Use the activity series to predict the product of the following reaction: tin metal + aqueous calcium acetate. Hydrogen carbonate breaks down into dihydrogen monoxide and carbon dioxide. HClO4(l) = H2(g) + Cl2(g) + O2(g), Given the following chemical reaction occurs, rank the metals in order of activity from highest to lowest. What volume of O_2, in mL, of O_2(g) at 32 ^oC and 741 mmHg can be liberated from 50.0 mL of an aqueous solution containing 3.00% H_2... What are the structural units that make up ionic compounds and how are they named? Which of the following is not a correct IUPAC name? Predict the products and balance the reaction equation for H 2 S + K 2 C O 3 . Identify the type of reaction, predict the products then write the complete balanced equation. What is the formula for the compound formed between the following pairs of ions? Write the balanced chemical equation for this reaction and then determine which element is higher in activi... What is the chemical formula for the compound formed between lithium and iodine? Copper(II) ions can be precipitated from waste solution by adding aqueous sodium carbonate. © copyright 2003-2021 Study.com. Do highly active metals tend to donate electrons or accept electrons from other metals?
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volume of co2 obtained by complete decomposition of na2co3 2021