This is why you should aggressively mulligan for your mana ramp cards. Patch 2.2.0: Card Layout and Round Timer Update, Heimer’s Madness Lab, Legends of Runeterra Metagame Tier List – Cosmic Creation Season, How to Get Access to Legends of Runeterra Preview Patch, Legends of Runeterra Teases New Draft Mode, Expeditions Explained | New Draft Mode Overview Trailer | Legends of Runeterra. Diana and Unspeakable Horror can take out dangerous threats while Lunari Priestess can spawn a useful Celestial card, preferably a removal spell so you aren’t entirely reliant on Unspeakable Horror. Cellstealer’s love for card games started at the school yard, where he used to trade away his valuable Yu-Gi-Oh cards for the ones that ‘looked cool’. This is the new Aurelion Sol Ramp deck archetype. Summoners are ranked by champion according to their best score for that champion. ChiggyWig's Trundle + Aurelion Sol Deck Guide! Today we’re going to be taking a look at one of the boogiemen of the current format, Aurelion Sol Plaza. Since then he’s played various online CCG's until he decided to stick with Legends of Runeterra. As the title of this deck implies, this one is simply an upgraded version of Celestial Radiance which keeps the same champions. Spacey Sketcher meanwhile is a good 1 drop who gives you access to Celestials which cost 3 or less mana. TheCupIsMine's Shyvana & Aurelion Sol Dragon Deck List & Guide - Runeterra Deck Spotlight. Share on google. You need to have played at least 1 ranked game in the past 30 days to be ranked with that champion. Our authors will teach you which items to build, runes to select, tips and tricks for how to how to play Aurelion Sol, and of course, win the game! Aurelion Sol Ramp – Deck List. Summoners are ranked by champion according to their best score for that champion. Hush is a very versatile spell that can protect you against Elusives, stop champions from leveling up, or reset enemies with tons of stat buffs. Legends of Runeterra decks on RuneterraFire. 500/900/1800. Another bad matchup is into heavy ramp decks like Trundle Aurelion Sol. The idea behind the deck is to ramp with Wyrding Stones and Catalyst of Aeons to hopefully get Aurelion Sol a turn or two earlier out. 30 900. Share on facebook. A score is determined for each summoner/champion/role. She and her fellow Solari warriors will protect you throughout the early- and midgame until you finally have enough mana to play Aurelion Sol. How to Play Aurelion Sol Plaza. Control the board and level up Lux as soon as possible. Very unique control deck using Targon’s Peak with very expensive finishers like Aurelion Sol and Feel The Rush. Trundle and Troll Ravager can block almost any attacker while surviving with their high health and the regeneration keyword ensures that they stay on the field. With the Call of the Mountain expansion, the old ‘Ruthless Raiders’ deck offering in the store has been replaced with a new deck bundle. 27 900. Healing and AOE removal can bail you out but these cards are expensive and can leave you wide open for an open attack. This strategy has already found a place in the current meta but does this deck a good job at optimizing it? created by. +12% winrate (compared to the average for that champion/role) ⇒ score * 2, +100% KDA (compared to the average for that champion/role) ⇒ score * 1.33. In order to make space for these new additions, you will get rid of the superfluous Daybreak cards like Sun Guardian, Zenith Blade and Morning Light. Our Daybreak followers are at 1, 2 and 3 mana respectively, so if you have a good starting hand you can play them on curve and get those 4 Daybreak triggers you need for Leona to level up the moment she hits the board. Rating /5 (0 Votes) Hail, Champions! Guide. Leona and her Daybreak units do a very good job of delaying the opponent while you wait for Aurelion Sol to hit the board. Share on facebook. With these decks you’ll be sure to start climbing through the ranked ladder once you’ve got to grips with how they work. All in all, this deck plays very similarly to Demacia Bannerman decks. The deck also runs a lot of healing and as much draw as it can. Mage. ... Lastly, this isn't just about decks, but handstates. But getting there is the tricky part because most games in Legends of Runeterra end well before round 10 and if most of your deck consists of expensive finishers there’s isn’t much left to defend you in the earlier rounds. Best deck for beating Aurelion Sol in the singleplayer lab? ChiggyWig's Trundle + Aurelion Sol Deck Guide! © 2021. Avalanche fulfills the same function but at 4 mana you can use it much earlier to get rid of cheap aggro units. One of the first things you will notice, if you are aware of the most commonly run types of Aurelion Sol decks, is the total absence of ramp cards which would allow you to play Aurelion Sol earlier than round 10. Legends of Runeterra decks … In this case, it is with the very expensive Aurelion Sol champion, a 10/10 behemoth that generates powerful celestial cards. Share on linkedin. The best and cheapest option is to stay with the current champion combination and simply splash a few cards from Demacia. Leona when leveled up isn’t very threatening. TheCupIsMine's Shyvana & Aurelion Sol Dragon Deck List & Guide - Runeterra Deck Spotlight. The clear weakness of this deck is that it’s very vulnerable against very aggressive opponents that flood the board with units. The best and cheapest option is to stay with the current champion combination and simply splash a … If you played less than 5 games with the given champion in the less 30 days, a penalty is applied ⇒ score * 0.5 for each missing game, Those rules are exponentials (ie +2 tier ⇒ score * 16). Last updated. Published 8 hours ago by OldManSanns. ... Aurelion Sol … Share on twitter. So in a nutshell, the gameplan is as follows: prevent attacks on your Nexus with Leona and her Daybreak followers and then beat your opponent’s Nexus to a pulp by letting Aurelion Sol unleash a horde of galaxy destroying Celestials. Get a full deck breakdown including decklist, build, mana curve, card rarities, and which region and champion combinations are best for Maokai decks. 20. How to Play Aurelion Sol Plaza. Another bonus of this region combination is that you get access to Radiant Guardian. Aurelion Sol and Leona are a decent pairing, so you can actually keep these champions together while building a viable deck for ranked matches. From Aurelion Sol and Thresh to Leona and Shadow Isles Aggro, here are the best LoR decks high-level players are testing out on launch day. This deck is similar to ‘Celestial Radiance’ but with most of the Daybreak cards replaced with ramp cards from Freljord. They accomplish this by taking advantage of their Daybreak effects, abilities which only trigger when the card is played before any other card in a round. Published 8 hours ago by OldManSanns. Once you get to the late game you can seal the game with Mindsplitter and Eclipse Dragon → Aurelion Sol. Zenith Blade, Morning Light and Sun Guardian are all very slow cards that act as finishers for Daybreak decks but this build wants to win through the might of Celestial units, which the aforementioned Daybreak cards don’t synergize with very well. Dragonfire Pillar. Learn more about Aurelion Sol's abilities, … LoR Deck Guide: Aurelion Sol Plaza. If you have any comments about the article, any questions, feedback, or if you just want to tell me what you think about the revealed cards, I will be happy to answer you in the comments! It has the best landmark – The Grand Plaza; the best early game card generation engine – Zoe, and the best late-game threat – Aurelion Sol. If you have any comments about the article, any questions, feedback, or if you just want to tell me what you think about the revealed cards, I will be happy to answer you in the comments! Before Call of the Mountain, ramp decks were a very niche and a rather weak kind of deck. Targon’s strongest deck by some margin, and nursing a 56% win rate, Trundle/Aurelion Sol is a bit of a late-game beast. The total cost of these cards is 1670 and buying the whole bundle without a discount would cost 2016 riot coins. If you want to try out a strategy that focuses entirely on Aurelion Sol and tries to get there as fast as possible, you should check out the Freljord ramp path. The Infinite Mindsplitter is like Yone on steroids and will stun two enemies of your choice for the rest of the game until it dies or is silenced. Another downside is that this deck is an expensive upgrade because of the high amount of rares and epics it contains. Control the board and level up Lux as soon as possible. If you want to go all in with Daybreak cards, then Aurelion Sol is too slow because Daybreak is more of a midrange strategy. Players must play a minimum of 10 games to be ranked. Kalista is an early game juggernaut that can have the chance to win on her own before things even reach the late game.… ... Winning with FTR is your best chance of winning as in a EZ mirror opponents would try to not place any units. Phase Three: Finish Them One of the most important things to understand about piloting any deck is how you plan to win the game. This is a tierlist of my personally built variants of ladder archetypes. A list of the best Trundle/Aurelion Sol decks in Legends of Runeterra. A score is determined for each summoner/champion/role. 40. This doesn’t just increase your chances at drawing your win condition, but can also help you with triggering Troll Ravager’s behold a 8+ cost card condition. The expansion provided Freljord with some very strong defensive units and spells that allow you to nuke the enemy’s board, which ramp decks desperately need. Fused Firebrand can also replace The Infinite Mindsplitter as a budget option, so you have a second dragon for Dragon’s Clutch to draw. The original deck is in dire need of good removal options which Targon lacks, so we will splash Demacia for access to Single Combat and Concerted Strike. Updated September 11, 2020. [See Shyvana Aurelion Sol deck details] For this deck, the plan is to mulligan for Herald of the Dragons and Mobilize to try and ramp into Dragons early and then gain field control to lead you into playing your bigger Dragons. When leveled up by having a total of 20+ power on your board he will set the cost of all Celestial cards to 0 as long as he is on the field. As a control deck player, I am already trying to find the best decks to run Aurelion Sol in. He always does way too much damage or just completely overwhelms me with his board presence 13. Community. Find the best Aurelion Sol build guides for League of Legends Patch 11.3. but if they do use burns and freezes to take them out adding stacks on to EZ. Upgrade Cost: 4 Champions, 8 Rares, 7 Commons = 15100 Shards. We try to get by Aurelions high mana cost by pulling him off Thresh. The game plan is simple. Discover the top Legends of Runeterra meta decks that the best players have been playing. Best Aurelion Sol players How are players ranked? After a brief delay, Brand causes the ground under the enemy with the highest current Health to erupt in flames, dealing 200/300/500 magic damage to enemies within. League of Legends™ and Riot Games are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. As you might imagine, playing The Great Beyond, a 9 mana Elusive Celestial Dragon with SpellShield, or a spell which obliterates 2 enemies at 0 cost is very powerful. As a control deck player, I am already trying to find the best decks to run Aurelion Sol in. Community. This is where Leona comes in. All rights reserved. Once more I’m gonna ask the question that matters most here, is the deck bundle worth the money this time around? The build needs better options to control the opponent’s board if you want to stay with Aurelion Sol and Leona – and Celestial Radiance has a severe lack of these. Upgrade Cost: 2 Champions, 8 Rares, 4 Commons = 8800 Shards. 0.65. Dragon’s Clutch will always draw you a Mindsplitter and Aurelion Sol. The best decks in the game. Trundle/Sol Ramp: This new deck, completely born from the Call of the Mountain expansion, is designed to ramp up mana early, in order to win the late game with Aurelion Sol Celestials (remember that Aurelion Sol is the most expensive Champion card in the game), Trundle board control, and stun-lock via The Infinite Mindsplitter. This isn’t just useful for protecting yourself but can also give your attackers a clear path toward the opponent’s Nexus. So, this deck uses parts of the control formula and adds in the new Invoke cards in order to create a flexible control deck with Aurelion as a finisher/win condition. Zoe Asol is a deck that features almost everything overpowered that could be found in the Cosmic Creation expansion release. Your goal is to get out cards ahead of schedule with tools like Wyrding Stones and Catalyst of Aeons, and then eventually cast your 8-10 mana spells. hhboo. Occasionally he spares opponents from another beating in LoR and channels energy into other productive endeavours such as art, film-making, or playing video games. Aurelion Sol and Leona are a decent pairing, so you can actually keep these champions together while building a viable deck for ranked matches. The Nightfall part of this deck mostly acts as a support for your Daybreak units. Community Top Players Budget. Other powerful additions are Hush and Spacey Sketcher. Starshaping is especially powerful because it can heal up to a quarter of your Nexus health while also spawning a 7+ cost celestial card. When played he will generate a Celestial follower or spell that costs 7 or more mana in your hand and each round start he will generate another random Celestial card. It’s one of the best decks out in the meta and ideal for players who enjoy strategic complexity with the reward of an ultimate combo bonanza. Instead, Rahvun will provide you with additional Daybreak units to trigger Leona’s stun effect. Rating /5 (0 Votes) Hail, Champions! 3. Any deck that’s able to effectively remove Sol on 10 from the board will have an easier time winning against the deck. Get a full deck breakdown including decklist, build, mana curve, card rarities, and which region and champion combinations are best for Shyvana decks. Leveling up Leona is very easy. Wyrding Stones bring massive value towards late game, as it helps you bring cards online early, while Harsh Winds buys you significant time. Besides picking the three best decks in the ladder meta, there are more aspects to consider when deciding on which decks to bring to the Gauntlet. Getting an Aurelion Sol down on turn eight is a great way to win against any midrange or control opponent. TK/Soraka. This space dragon is basically a god and, fitting for such a being, he is so far the most expensive champion in the game at 10 mana. Create and share your own decks with the community. And that pretty much does it for this list of the best decks in Legends of Runeterra. Share on twitter. Find the best Leona decks for the current Legends of Runeterra meta, created and rated by players like you! 890. Besides Aurelion Sol, there are also Starshaping, Mountain Scryer and Behold the Infinite cards can invoke Celestials in this deck. This spell will deal 3 to everything but your trolls will survive it and even heal to full health at the end of the round as if nothing ever happened. Control. If you want to play this deck but can’t fully craft it yet you can replace Diana with Elise for now. Question. Find the best Shyvana decks for the current Legends of Runeterra meta, created and rated by players like you! Broadbacked Protector is good for survival but competes with Leona in the 4 mana slot and Leona does the same job while also not killing herself in the process. LoR Deck Guide: Aurelion Sol Plaza. Similar to previous Ezreal combo builds, the goal is to level him up by shutting down … She basically just turns into a version of Minotaur Reckoner because you can’t trigger a Daybreak effect more than once in a round usually. Legends of Runeterra decks … Aurelion Sol and Trundle come together as ramp heros in Targon and Freljord. Along the way you will use Kindly Tavernkeeper, Revitalizing Roar and Starshaping to heal any damage that got by your wall of trolls. This isn’t a bad thing, however, since Mountain Scryer is a very good card and besides Aurelion Sol there aren’t many expensive cards to ramp into anyway. Share on linkedin. If you get to this point you will almost certainly win within 1 or 2 rounds. All the deck would have needed is a few cards from other regions to make up for Targon’s lack of efficient removal and it would have been a lot better, in the current state it’s only just decent enough to not get trampled by every properly constructed deck. Leona will stun the strongest enemy if you trigger her Daybreak condition and after leveling up she will repeat her ability each time you trigger a Daybreak effect. Then, take over the late game with your powerful spells while killing everything with Final Sparks. You simply need to play 3 Daybreak cards before round 4 and then play Leona, which will instantly level her up because her own Daybreak ability counts towards her level up condition. Aurelion Sol Ramp. Except for some of the weak Daybreak cards, the rest make sense together and synergize well enough to realize the win condition in a consistent way. Ezreal/Targon. Community Top Players Budget. By forcing Leona to work together with her former friend and now archrival Diana, we create a pure value midrange deck which combines the best of Daybreak and Nightfall cards. 12 min. ... Winning with FTR is your best chance of winning as in a EZ mirror opponents would try to not place any units. Last time I concluded that the old deck bundle wasn’t worth the price because the deck itself was rather underwhelming and it was simply cheaper to buy the good cards individually. Now with Trundle and Aurelion Sol, ramping strategies seem to have finally found a place in the meta. Slam down powerful Daybreak units on-curve until you level up Leona, ideally on turn 4 the moment you play her. The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Aurelion Sol build for the S11 meta. Like last time I will first add up the Riot coin value of all the good cards inside this deck bundle and then compare that to the total price, assuming you don’t get a discount for already owning some of the cards in Celestial Radiance. TheCupIsMine's Shyvana & Aurelion Sol Dragon Deck List & Guide - Runeterra Deck Spotlight. If the opponent’s board gets too wide for your trolls to block, you can simply kill everything with Icequake. Find the best Legends of Runeterra decks for you by filtering for champion, card, region, or title. This might be the best Aurelion Sol deck. Celestial Radiance provides you with a good template for a bunch of strong meta decks. While the Thresh and Aurelion Sol deck … The best and cheapest option is to stay with the current champion combination and simply splash a few cards from Demacia. Guide. Aurelion Sol Ramp created by precipic. Will Celestial Radiance outclass its underwhelming predecessor or should you again save your money? Get a full deck breakdown including decklist, build, mana curve, card rarities, and which region and champion combinations are best for Leona decks. Find the best Legends of Runeterra decks for you by filtering for champion, card, region, or title. This Legends of Runeterra Mana ramp deck is bringing Trundle and Aurelion Sol back into style. We want to be sure that you find the best decks possible for the current meta, so our deck list is sorted by decks that are well rated and are updated to the most recent patch, including the new Runeterra Call of the Mountain decks. Try to mulligan for a nice curve of Daybreak units and apply extra pressure on your opponent with discounted celestial cards through Mountain Scryer’s ability. 40/72/144. Then play Rahvun and stun the opponent’s units so you can beat down their Nexus without resistance. You play cards which give you extra mana crystals like Wyrding Stones or Catalyst of Aeons to get your late-game bombs, while healing your Nexus and playing strong blockers like Trundle to survive the early game. So far I’ve chosen Leona with the barrier and +2/+0 ability, which was doing incredibly well when I paired it with Taric and Shen. But I just can’t seem to beat Sol? He would obviously be the main and only win condition of this deck. Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Aurelion Sol.Find the best Aurelion Sol build guides for S11 Patch 11.3. If a player has played fewer than 50 games with that champion/role ⇒ score * 0.75 for each missing game. All Rights isn’t endorsed by Riot Games and doesn’t reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends.
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